Robbie McCabe
Robert F. McCabe
087100 Specification Consultant
Robbie McCabe provides expert counsel on architectural hardware design considerations, writes door hardware specifications, and conducts field inspection of hardware installations for architectural firms and building owners worldwide. Specifications totaling in the thousands for projects located across the globe.
All specifications are written in accordance with the requirements and regulations of Life Safety Codes, LEED and ADA, along with all applicable building codes for a wide variety of Class 1 construction. Access Control coordination and integration with building security systems.
Prior to his long tenure as a consultant, Robbie worked as a project manager for a finish hardware and door/frame distributer. He has completed Door Hardware Institute accredited technical programs in Architectural Hardware, Wood Doors, Hollow Metal Doors/Frames and Electrified Access. Certified Master Locksmith. No affiliation with Manufacturing or Sales Agencies.
- Member, Door Hardware Institute (DHI), Past President New England Chapter
- Member, Construction Specification Institute (CSI)
- Member, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
- Instructor, Door Hardware Institute (DHI) Curriculum Courses
- Registered AIA/CES Instructor
- Hardware for Health Care Facilities, Handbook. Door & Hardware Institute, 1993, Coauthor.
- Door & Hardware Institute magazine contributor.
- Available on request